Today I had a 4 hour doctor's appointment with risky doctor. A coincidence of technology failure and complex appointments led to a 3 hour wait, then 1 hour to get ultrasounds and visit with the doctor. My normal self would have jetted after an hour and rescheduled but since this has been a particularly challenging pregnancy I really wanted to see the ultrasound to confirm nothing bad had developed.
I was rewarded with the doctor saying "He's perfect".

Husband and Charlotte are the real troopers; they came along for support and ran out to get a Jamba Juice smoothie when it looked like a long wait, then went back out for entertainment when the wait got way long for a 20mo old to enjoy herself.
Yeah!!! He's P-E-R-F-E-C-T!!!
Should I add a rah, rah to that with pom-poms waving?! Woot- woot!! It would be worth it! Great news!
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