This post is pre-dated to before blog was started but I want to fill in the blanks with some highlights from my life.
In this picture I'm wearing a costume for my friend Christine's wedding; she had asked all guests to come in costume. Mine is inspired by a make-up done on Twiggy which I'll reference if I can ever find my book after our recent move to Maryland! We have over 20 boxes of books to put away!!
In hindsight, I wish I had practiced more before the wedding because I probably would have bought better paint for the green part and I would have balanced it better with the colors in my dress - oh and maybe removed the camera strap from my shoulder!
I'd also like to point out this was the last time I used my college film camera. Film has become almost extinct with the invention of the digital camera. It's kinda sad!
Oh! And did you know I learned to do movie style make up in college? Full face prosthetic and puppets with stop motion animation! So much fun!!