April was a busy month:
- Bridal Shower for my friend Gina held at Tranquila Tea house in Waynesboro, PA
- Violette's 10th birthday
- A baby shower
- Easter - where our church put on an Easter play, the first in two years of which my husband had a big part and had bi-weekly play practice for months.
- It finally warmed up enough to work on the camper every weekend that wasn't occupied by an event
- Revival at church
I'm really looking forward to the month of May where we have considerably less on the calendar and more opportunity to make progress on the camper.
One thing that is missing is gardening. Usually late March/April is when we begin our seedlings indoors. This year we are taking a break on gardening. We've decided that based on the number of projects we are behind on, we need to reduce the number of projects and gardening is a big chore in terms of keeping up with weeding, trellising, harvesting, and canning.
We were originally planning to go to Montana in June, as soon as school let out, but now my friend has moved her wedding a year so we are less pressed to leave early. It's extremely fortunate for us because we did not make much progress in April on the camper rework. More on that in a separate post.