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Friday, March 05, 2010

Toddler Bed - Partial Fail

We woke at 5:30 to a strange metal sound and a little crying but then quiet. Around 6:30 we heard more crying and husband went to rescue her. As working parent I tried to go back to sleep but it wasn't happening, I was too curious to see what husband found.

He had found her sleeping beside her crib and the metal sound was likely her patting the springs. I assumed she'd cry hard upon waking in the toddler bed, or run to the door and bang on it to get us up - I never thought she'd try to get back in the crib! Heartbreaking.

We think she lasted until 5:30 in her toddler bed and then tried to move into the crib. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Mama (Heidi) said...

Is it possible to move the crib or take it down until she is totally adjusted to the toddler bed?

With Bowl + Spoon said...

I'd say just keep trying. Maybe explain to her that she "Get to sleep in the big bed now!" act like she's so lucky and grown up...just like you'll have to do when the new baby comes. Make it a positive thing so she doesn't feel resentful to the new guy...he'll be taking over soon!

With Bowl + Spoon said...

I'd take down the crib, too. It only took Mike minutes to set it up last time :)

Suburban Turmoil said...

Oh man. We're about to move Bruiser to a bed- It's a trundle under his sister's bed so it's all ready to go- but I'm so afraid! Your daughter's reaction was so sad, but so sweet!

R. Molder said...

Wow you guys are great, this is why I love blogging, the feedback is a tremendous boost!