As I was signing him in at the grooming salon, he did his typical whining fret that he wasn’t someplace cooler like PetSmart. A lady to my left started fretting equally over my dog – cooing and giving him poor dog looks and finally asked if he was crying. To which I promptly replied no and continued filling out the form.
Crying? Dogs don’t cry; they are not human.
I take a seat and give him a few treats after he has calmed down. He settles and we both wait for the groomer who finally comes out and informs fretting lady that her dog is ready but had 4 ticks. She flies into panic mode and inquires what color are the ticks. Black. I tell Groomer that my dog has a really bad tick problem and must be completely shaved.
Groomer leaves and brings back her dog and she again asks what color the ticks are. Black. She leans over to ask me how to get rid of ticks and I say I have no idea but I’m having Chopper shaved so we can see them better and aid easier removal. She freaks out a little more and finally leaves.
In recounting the story to my husband later, he determined to buy me a set of black sunglasses with leather fingerless gloves and call me the Terminator – because I couldn’t remember what kind of dog fretting lady even had and showed no interest in her concern for my dog.
I should mention Husband works for PetSmart and deals with fretting dog ladies on a daily basis. I am completely impressed that he does his job with such a cheerful, patient attitude.