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Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Day we went to see the Cherry Blossoms in DC - April 2015

We're impulsive so when my brother said he was going to DC to see the cherry blossoms, we jumped right up and said we'd go - never mind that we have a 4 month old and the other kids.  We'd be game to jump on the metro and ride on into DC! 

Sam's fine, he just didn't see any reason to smile.  He's stoic that way.

The metro was fine up until we got close to the city then it got jam packed and it was interesting getting 3 little people off.  With 3 adults we all grabbed one child and herded them off the train.  I had the baby in a front pack and she was remarkably calm but I did have to stand for most of the ride to keep her calm so that was tiring. 

We're all wearing jackets but it was actually quite hot once we started walking around.  It was also very bright and I forgot sunscreen because who thinks of sunscreen in April! 

So we very quickly snapped photos of cherry blossoms and then went into a museum for the next few hours to avoid the heat.

We did not walk around the tidal basin to see all the trees - not with 3 small children!  And we left after one museum!  But upon our return home, we did stop in Germantown and have the most amazing Indian food ever at Thayekari Indian Bistro. 

Sunday, April 05, 2015

Easter 2015

Easter Sunday, time for kid photos!  Charlotte and Sam are getting quite good at being camera ready but Vi is all over the place.  First we tell her to take her thumb out of her mouth so it's right there as a sort of "thumbs up!" pose.

Then we tried plopping her next to Charlotte but this made her mad.

So we moved outside with the promise of candy.

Now if we could just have a background without a fence...

I wonder if I could get husband to buy or make a bench and place it under the pine tree for photos?  

After this the kids got to open gift bags from Mema and their uncle V and proceeded to eat a shocking amount of candy.

Saturday, April 04, 2015

Why does vacation make me sleep so much?

I've always thought it would be lovely to drink coffee on a porch in the spring whist staying at a log cabin and reading for an hour before anyone wakes up.  Alas, my body betrayed me and I slept until the noise level was too much too bare.  I guess dreams take effort, initiative and an alarm.  

Two days at a cabin in the woods.  Not one photo taken because we were so busy having fun that I forgot to dig it out. We painted rocks, wooden masks and I got to work on an embroidery project.  It was quite a crafty good time pared with amazing food.  No wonder we were tired and sleeping in.  But next time, I hope to make an effort to get up early for one hour of "me" time.

Friday, April 03, 2015

Happy 3rd Birthday Violette!

We got back from our little vacation just in time to receive this fun basket from Mema:

She was thrilled!!  But we ran out of time to make s Rapunzul cake so I sent everyone to the store to get a cake.  I guess I planned too many things for one day.  Cake decorating takes some serious time and effort!  Next time we need to do it a few days in advance and freeze the cake.

I think her favorite presents were the Rapunzul dress, gloves and purse because three year olds just live to be fancy and she got another long fluffy purple dress for Sunday's.

I had a photo filter on by mistake so the picture is not clear.  Hazards of using a new phone!

She also got silver sparkly shoes and purple sparkly shoes!