However, what was done was astounding - grocery shopping, all my favorites - including strawberries and Perrier, along with all laundry in the laundry basket, clean floors, clean kitchen, cleaned garage - well I noticed all these things today as I felt repentant over my bad attitude from this morning.
I actually woke him up - well after he snored and the dog scratched and banged around at the door and I couldn't get back to sleep to say how frustrated I was about that one thing he hadn't done.
I then listed - in my mind - my current condition, 7 mo pregnant, tired, had to return to work that morning and train new person plus get caught up on work piled up from vacation, tired, overwhelmed from convincing self I had to do everything at work and home - then I got mad at God because I tried to pray it all away and still couldn't get back to sleep. I can actually imagine him rolling his eyes as I kick my heels on the ground - just as I do when my little girl throws herself on the ground and kicks and cries.
After our morning alarm went off he asked what I wanted for breakfast - french toast & yogurt, later brought lunch to me at work, and made several options for dinner along with a berry pie.
And God - well I had safety on the way to and home from work and nothing heavy fell on my head so I guess he accepted my apology.
I just thought you should all know that I have crazy early morning insanity sometimes, I'm not perfect, neither is my husband but as least I can give tribute to him in retrospect and still hoping that thing I asked for gets done soon.