Today started at 5:30 where I dozed until 5:50 and then fed the baby. I decided there was just enough time to make muffins and get a shower before leaving for the 7am ladies breakfast and bible study. I was only 11 minutes late.
I spotted two yard sales on my way home at 9 that had kids toys so after feeding baby I announced it was time for yard sales! The next hour it got hot outside and somewhat unbearable so after aquiring a wooden rocking horse, a wooden cradle, a book set that only works with a special pen, Sopia doll and scooter we came home and picked dad up to go pick up his truck at the mechanic followed by a stop at McDonalds for lunch.
After lunch I did my best to work on a church project after dispensing art supplies to the older kids and managed to cut out 6 letters for a sign before baby signaled her complete and utter dismay at being put down. I then tried to do dishes while holding her. By 2 I finally realized it was time to just sit and rest and I have not moved for 2 hours. Baby seems quite pleased and dispite the noise level she did sleep. Although it's extremely hard to disapline older kids while whispering!
And now it's raining, I'm not going anywhere with 4 kids in the rain! So I've put on a nature film, because I'm tired of cartoons and so far the only complaint is "wait, does this only have animals? I only like films with people". Quality time with mom, well at least I'm having fun!
Soon the girls are cheering on the seals to escape and we all cheer as the little seal pops up behind some ice. We talk about how cute the capuchin monkeys are and suddenly we have a captive audience. We watch flying fish and cheer them on! Dad gets ready to leave for the store and only one goes with him. There's an overlord to watch, the leader of a hippo herd!!!