Monday, December 31, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
Condo Tales ~ Friends
Our building sits in what one might call a cul de sac if we were in a housing community. Our home faces others and our neighbors all have children of various ages. It's fascinating to me how they seek each other out daily to play every day.
The oldest and ringleader is 12; she rounds the girls up and keeps them safely within our "boarders", meaning she keeps them directly within eyesight of our porch. I LOVE her for this. She's responsible and friendly. I think when we move, I will write her mom a letter saying how well she has done with raising an amazing daughter.
Across from us is a pair of sisters, 9 and 5. The youngest is closest in age to our 4 year old. You might think these two would play together exclusively but no, the ringleader keeps the merry band together.
They create sidewalk chalk masterpieces.
They pick up trash - yes! the ringleader gave them all bags and had them cleaning up the yard!
They even allow our 2 year old to join in the fun!
They all collectively agree that we have the cutest dog in the world and they love to make over him.
They all collectively adore our baby and the ringleader tries to hold her every day, much to Violette's continue dismay because she's going through a "parent only" phase.
It's becoming harder to tear ourselves away from this place because we feel bad for taking Charlotte away from her friends. But we have our future to consider and it involves more then just keeping Charlotte with her friends. We want to live near family and be involved in their lives and them in ours. So that means setting a moving date and sticking to it!
The oldest and ringleader is 12; she rounds the girls up and keeps them safely within our "boarders", meaning she keeps them directly within eyesight of our porch. I LOVE her for this. She's responsible and friendly. I think when we move, I will write her mom a letter saying how well she has done with raising an amazing daughter.
Across from us is a pair of sisters, 9 and 5. The youngest is closest in age to our 4 year old. You might think these two would play together exclusively but no, the ringleader keeps the merry band together.
They create sidewalk chalk masterpieces.
They pick up trash - yes! the ringleader gave them all bags and had them cleaning up the yard!
They even allow our 2 year old to join in the fun!
They all collectively agree that we have the cutest dog in the world and they love to make over him.
They all collectively adore our baby and the ringleader tries to hold her every day, much to Violette's continue dismay because she's going through a "parent only" phase.
It's becoming harder to tear ourselves away from this place because we feel bad for taking Charlotte away from her friends. But we have our future to consider and it involves more then just keeping Charlotte with her friends. We want to live near family and be involved in their lives and them in ours. So that means setting a moving date and sticking to it!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Condo Tales ~ Nostalgia
We're moving soon - well as soon as we can do a bunch of things that are required for a move. I look around my crowded condo with fondness. We have stuff in strange places and it no longer bothers me.
The light housing from our porch light sits on our TV stand, that's because our neighbor girl keeps borrowing our porch table - but that still doesn't explain why the light housing is off. That's because our Christmas lights are connected to the porch light socket. See - it's condo living at it's best!
Our couch doesn't have a cover, it was taken off approximately a week ago. It's been cleaned, I'll probably get it back on tomorrow.
There is a feather duster on the floor, probably dropped by a child trying to help.
Toys scattered randomly.
And this is just the living room.
We have a changing table in the dining room that includes all of babies clothing. That's because it no longer fits in the kids room that all three share.
I'm tired. It's been a long year so I'm just going to sit here and ignore it all. Maybe I'll watch a movie with the love of my life :)
The light housing from our porch light sits on our TV stand, that's because our neighbor girl keeps borrowing our porch table - but that still doesn't explain why the light housing is off. That's because our Christmas lights are connected to the porch light socket. See - it's condo living at it's best!
Our couch doesn't have a cover, it was taken off approximately a week ago. It's been cleaned, I'll probably get it back on tomorrow.
There is a feather duster on the floor, probably dropped by a child trying to help.
Toys scattered randomly.
And this is just the living room.
We have a changing table in the dining room that includes all of babies clothing. That's because it no longer fits in the kids room that all three share.
I'm tired. It's been a long year so I'm just going to sit here and ignore it all. Maybe I'll watch a movie with the love of my life :)
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Notes from Allume 2012
Speaker creator of Veggie Tales
Phil Vischer
Funny - I didn't write much because I took notes on my phone; and it looked like much more then is evidenced here! This speech impacted me more then any other of the entire event. I listened with stunned amazement as he detailed his history with creating Veggie Tales, losing the entire company in a lawsuit and finding God's will for his life.
Phil Vischer
Funny - I didn't write much because I took notes on my phone; and it looked like much more then is evidenced here! This speech impacted me more then any other of the entire event. I listened with stunned amazement as he detailed his history with creating Veggie Tales, losing the entire company in a lawsuit and finding God's will for his life.
"God can't steer a parked car.What's In The Bible is Phil's new company. It's a really fun collection of stories's that show kids how to enjoy the Bible and I'm really looking forward to sharing these with my kids.
When God gives you a dream, and then takes it away, he may be trying to see what's more important to you. The dream or Him?
Why would God want us to let go of our dreams? Because it might be a god to you.
Jelly Fish Labs - must move with the current. His current will carry me exactly to where I want to be.
What are your dreams? Can you lay them on the alter and walk away?
Tonight's dinner sponsored by What's In The Bible."
Monday, December 17, 2012
Tiger Butter Candy
This recipe is THREE ingredients and it makes an awesome candy in less then 30 minutes!
The Ingredients
- 1 bag of white chocolate chips
- 1 bag of semi sweet chocolate chips
- 1/3 cup of peanut butter
Start by heating your semi sweet chocolate chips in the microwave for 30 second intervals, stirring after each heating. Once the chips are liquified, stir in 1/3 cup of peanut butter. Then spread over wax paper that is laid out on a cookie sheet. Place in the freezer to harden while you do the next step.
Place white chips into a bowl. Heat in microwave for 30 second intervals, stopping to stir after each heating.
Once it's heated the entire way through you can spread the white chocolate over the slightly frozen dark chocolate. What this does is allow you to spread the white without it mixing, but the heat from the white will start to melt the dark so that by the time you are done, you can run a knife through both and create a lovely swirl effect.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
Remembering Jill
Jill died today, 3 years ago. This is our brief story.
One - I don't know anyone who uses heavy drugs.
Two - I was worried about her.
Three - I was a little afraid of the creepy people she hung out with and it made me want to avoid her.
At the time, I was pregnant with my 2nd and it was not an easy pregnancy so we lost touch after that conversation. It wasn't until a year later I tried to track her down and found out she had died on December 14th. I have come to the conclusion that Jill was killed by forced overdose by either the ex or his drug pushers once they found out she flushed their drug down the toilet.
I really wish I could say I had been a better friend, had guided her better, had gone out of my way to take her to church but I was a shallow friend.
There are really no words to describe the grief I feel for her loss because it's also grief at not saving her from impending doom. The warning signs were all there, the reckless drinking, her drunk crash into a tree a few years before dying, the drug using old boyfriends. All combined, it really made me shy away from her.
I believe God really wants us to look past the dirty, uncomfortable things in life and reach forward to help those placed in our pathway. I do this now, look for those who need help and don't know how to ask. I do it through Compassion and random charities that I find throughout the year. I haven't yet found another Jill to care for, but when I do, I won't avoid her.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Notes from Allume 2012 ~ The Nester
I have admired The Nester's blog for awhile now, she's so full of creativity; so I was excited to catch her talk at Allume '12.
Following Your Passion
How do you want readers to feel when they leave your blog?
What do you want them to do differently when they leave your
What do you hope they turn to your site first for?
What are you obsessed with?
What are you an expert at?
“A successful blog is one that reaches it’s intended
audience” Rachel Meeks
Content: she was 10%
content, 90% random.
Time: fiercely
protect your time.
Your most valuable contribution is content.
Do you find yourself overwhelmed and overloaded, saying yes
to too many things. Is this an opportunity
or a floppertunity?
Create white space – the problem with doing everything is
that you have no time for doing nothing.
Rest in the midst of the undone, rest is a choice and a
The secret art of saying No.
“A big part of doing your work is defending your time and
your attention so you can do your work” – Seth Godin.
Know why you blog.
Decide how much time you can commit.
Under-schedule and prioritize rest.
Create something meaningful and share it.
Don’t fall for distractions – focus.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Apple Cashew Butter Cookies
History behind this recipe:
prenatal yoga teacher, who encouraged me to eat apples and cashew butter every day
inspired this cookie recipe. She said
our bodies naturally dip in energy at 4pm and this snack is a great pick-me-up!
I found
that doing an all nut butter cookie makes for a very stiff batter so when
considering cashew cookies, I remembered my yoga teachers advice and decided to
combine applesauce with cashew butter for a new cookie recipe!
Apple Cashew Butter Cookies
• 1/2 cup
• 1/2 cup
brown packed sugar
• 1/2 cup
unsalted butter softened (1 stick)
• 1/2 cup
Cashew Butter
• 1/2 cup
Unsweetened Apple Sauce
• 1 egg
• 1
teaspoon cinnamon
• 1 3/4
cups White Wheat Flour
• 1/4 cup
Flax Seed Flour (optional)
• 1
teaspoons baking soda
• 1/2
teaspoon salt
Heat oven to 375, bake for 11 minutes. In
large bowl, cream sugar, brown sugar, and butter until fluffy. Add cashew
butter, apple sauce and eggs until smooth. Add flour, baking soda, and
salt. Use cookie scoop to create small cookie balls, approx. 1"
diameter. Then flatten with a fork in crisscross pattern dipped in
confectioner sugar.
Oatmeal would be a great addition, if you decide to
add oatmeal I suggest to swap out the Flax seed flour for 1/2 cup of Oatmeal and
omit the crisscross sugar topping for a healthier cookie.
Saturday, December 08, 2012
Wednesday, December 05, 2012
Notes from Allume 2012 ~ Her Story
Elizabeth Esther ~ Her Story
- How to write your way to freedom? Courage – embarrassing fear and accepting it. If you’re not risking, you’re not writing.
- It’s okay to make mistakes.
- When we are able to detach ourselves from opinions, we have freedom. Fan/Hate mail are two sides of the same coin. Distractions. We make ourselves real by telling the truth.
- Love releases you from fear. Fear is a bully.
Christina Tanner ~ Her Story
Single mom to four kids.
Blogs at
God’s awesome for your life doesn’t need to look like the
rest of Christiandom. Don’t say no to
God’s prompts, there might be one person who needs to read your post.
Get your obsessions to work for you. Output – sometimes we need to get the
information out of our head, or the well dries up. You get to burn out. It’s all about the input and output. Change the way things smell around you.
Break out of your preferred reading style. Examine your life, and the world around
you. Be here, not next week. Be thankful and aware of what God is giving
you in this moment. Mastermind groups
are a great way to get out and engage the women around you.
Trina Holden ~ Her Story
Why do you blog? For family and friends? How do you deal with pride? Humiliating moments will happen, you can embrace them with more pride or more humility.
Put more effort into blessing your readers then seeking
personal attention. Strive to serve.
- Name your end game, keep asking why until you get to a kingdom goal.
- Redefining success. Numbers do not indicate success. If you have 500 readers but you are not leading them closer to God then no success. Success is impact, not numbers.
- Christian writers, are you willing to put down your political passion behind the weak and weary? You can judge the character of a man by how he serves those who can do nothing for him. Embrace those who God is bringing to you.
- Know the faces behind the numbers, that is your tribe. These are lives waiting to hear from you. What if all of them came to your living room to hear what you have to say?
- Go 3-D with your blog. Service over fame. Bless rather then impress. Depth over width. Seek kingdom impact over numbers.
Monday, December 03, 2012
The Poorganic Mocha
Do you long for the days when Starbucks did not make you feel guilty? Those days before reading The Poorganic Life where you'd buy a Mocha whenever the whim would strike you?
Since reading Katrina's blog I constantly hear her mantra in my head "save more, give back" and I just can't keep spending like I used to but the longing for a Starbucks Mocha also does not go away. Here's a great way to make one at home, without spending a ridiculous amount on an espresso maker or at Starbucks!
First, check out this cute little 6-cup Italian Espresso maker for $21.99 at You can also find them at your local Walmart but I've found their 6-cup to be pricer then Amazon.
I start by making hot chocolate on the stove which takes a bit of patience but it's important because being Poorganic also means reducing food additives. Unsweetened powder has none of the added additives that Hershey's syrup has:
It's so simple, just fill the base with water, add espresso in the little holder and set it to medium heat until the espresso bubbles through. It's so cheap and efficient you will wonder who's been guarding this little machine from greater fame.
Since reading Katrina's blog I constantly hear her mantra in my head "save more, give back" and I just can't keep spending like I used to but the longing for a Starbucks Mocha also does not go away. Here's a great way to make one at home, without spending a ridiculous amount on an espresso maker or at Starbucks!
First, check out this cute little 6-cup Italian Espresso maker for $21.99 at You can also find them at your local Walmart but I've found their 6-cup to be pricer then Amazon.
I start by making hot chocolate on the stove which takes a bit of patience but it's important because being Poorganic also means reducing food additives. Unsweetened powder has none of the added additives that Hershey's syrup has:
Hershey's Hot Chocolate Recipe
- 1/4 cup Hershey's unsweetened cocoa
- 1/2 cup your favorite sweetener
- 1/3 cup hot water
- pinch of salt
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla (optional)
Stir on stove until it boils for 2 minutes; add 4 cups of milk and heat until milk has reached satisfactory serving temperature (hint, Starbucks Mocha's are 150 - 160 degrees).
- 2 Tablespoons of ground espresso
It's so simple, just fill the base with water, add espresso in the little holder and set it to medium heat until the espresso bubbles through. It's so cheap and efficient you will wonder who's been guarding this little machine from greater fame.
- 1/3 espresso
- 2/3 hot chocolate
- top with your favorite whipped cream if desired
Saturday, December 01, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
Five Minute Friday ~ Wonder
I wonder, how do all these shoes get under the coffee table when I tell them over and over to put their shoes away. Oh wait, there's my sandals, but that's just because I only took them off while I'm sitting here.
I wonder, how long it will take for my husband to unpack our suitcases? I'm not doing it. Nope! I'm gonna wait until he does it. Every day this week the suitcase has appeared on our bed and we root through it for pajamas for the kids and every night it goes back in the closet. I'm not doing it, not this time!
Sometimes when I'm driving our truck, I wonder if the bed will just fall off. I know that's kind a weird but it's really bouncy. When we go over speed bumps, the entire truck bed bounces with that wah womp sound!
I have one minute left. I wonder what possesses my husband to come up with strange things like a plastic cup amplifier. I'm serious, he's showing me this strange contraption while I'm typing. Gotta love having a hack scientist for a husband.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Notes from Relevant 2011
Social Justice in your blog
Of all the talks at Relevant '11, this had the greatest impact on my life and past year. It's motivated me to think daily about social justice and how I can make a difference through my writing. Love these people for the difference they are making in the world. Wish there had been something like this at Allume '12 but at least I got to speak with Kristi Griem who is such an encourager.
Kristen Welch ~ Mercy House
Kristi Griem ~ Human Trafficking
Shawn Groves starts the panel discussion by talking about Compassion trips where he takes bloggers to see and write about the difference Compassion is making in the lives of children.
Kristen Welch has been with Mercy House for two years, a non-profit.
Kristi Griem deals with Human Trafficking.
Collectively they have been involved in social justice for five years.
How to communicate on behalf of a cause? Shawn's advise:
He does not coach bloggers on what to say, it's unfiltered. Stats don't communicate like stories. Replace the numbers with stories. We are made by God to connect with human beings.Kristi suggest a quarterly summary of your work in social justice so to not give your readers fatigue.
Questions to ask yourself when considering which issue to support?
- How has God put this cause on your heart?
- How has it impacted you?
How do you write to create empathy? It's ultimately not your job. It's not within my mental capacity, it's the Holy Spirit that presses on our hearts to do something. Just show up and tell your story.
West Stafford - current president of Compassion. He grew up in West Africa and watched his friends die of malaria. He has compassion for the children in the program.
What was it that caused empathy in me?
Do not make people feel guilty.
Do not ask people to do something you are doing.
Social justice is one step at at time.
Call to Action:
Shawn - Don't be a legalist. Have as much grace for the rich man as the person who says they can't afford to do more. If we really believe in God's grace, we can forgive our kids for not eating dinner. Not everyone has to live as you live. Not everyone is going to engage.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Random Tuesday
Is there any better way to start a work day then with a perfect cup of coffee? And let me add this particular cup is brilliantly balanced. It's from Sur la Table, it's not too big and not too small. I love this cup!
Happy Random Tuesday!
Monday, November 26, 2012
Perfect Beef Stew - to replace your McCormick packet!
I love a hearty Beef Stew. Growing up in Maryland, my mom used the McCormick stew packet but I found in recent years that I'd want stew and had forgotten to buy the packet! Finally one day I set out to make stew without the packet. I started with a recipe from Pillsbury but I was never satisfied with how my stew would stick to the bottom of the pan! I determined the sticking problem stemmed from coating the beef with flour in the beginning and thus making the stew too sticky and thick too early on. From that recipe, I've made modifications until arriving at this perfect non-stick-to-the-pan recipe!
This recipe will feed 5 adults and is best served with Garlic Italian Bread or brown bread from Cheesecake factory.
I like to cook the potatoes in a separate container for 15 minutes to soften them. It can take up to one hour to cook them in the stew mixture so this cuts down on the overall cooking time AND I've found that cooking potatoes for an hour in the stew contributes to food sticking to the bottom - which I dislike!
Peel potatoes (remove any bad/black spots), then chop them into bite size pieces, dump them into boiling water for 15 minutes, drain and add to stew.
Peel carrots, cut in thin slices so they cook faster. I boil them in a small pot for about 15 minutes, drain and add to the stew.
I cook the potatoes and carrots in the stew for no more than 10 minutes and the lid must remain off or potatoes will stick to the base of the pan. It's best to stir frequently. I only do this step to get everything to blend well and I use this time to set the table, call the family to dinner, etc.
It really is a lovely stew and while it may seem annoying to work through all the steps (rather then dumping everything into one pot), it will result in a tasty stew that does not stick to the bottom of the pan.
This stew recipe is a result of making it at least once a month for the past 12 years; it's a big family favorite and each step has been carefully thought out. This is really a guide to making good stew; you can feel free to mix it up and use different onions or bigger chunks of veggies. I have toddlers so cooking in small bite size pieces works well for my family but I know it's popular to make stews with big chunky veggies. If you do try this please come back and let me know how it worked out for you!
This recipe will feed 5 adults and is best served with Garlic Italian Bread or brown bread from Cheesecake factory.
The Meat and Sauce
- 1lb Stew Meat - cook in a little oil until browned
- 1.5 cups water
- 4 T Tomato Paste or sauce
- 2 Bay Leaves
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon pepper
- 2 Beef Bouillon Cubes
Simmer while working on the onion and celery.
Cut in small slices, three stalks of Celery and saute in olive oil for 5-10 minutes (or one cup if you have it frozen). Toss into the Beef mixture.
Cook beef and celery for approximately one hour on low heat with a lid on.
The Roux
- 1/4 cup of flour - sift if you have time, it helps reduce lumps
- 1/2 cup of hot water
Potatoes and Carrots
- 5 medium size potatoes
- 5-6 carrots
Peel potatoes (remove any bad/black spots), then chop them into bite size pieces, dump them into boiling water for 15 minutes, drain and add to stew.
Peel carrots, cut in thin slices so they cook faster. I boil them in a small pot for about 15 minutes, drain and add to the stew.
I cook the potatoes and carrots in the stew for no more than 10 minutes and the lid must remain off or potatoes will stick to the base of the pan. It's best to stir frequently. I only do this step to get everything to blend well and I use this time to set the table, call the family to dinner, etc.
It really is a lovely stew and while it may seem annoying to work through all the steps (rather then dumping everything into one pot), it will result in a tasty stew that does not stick to the bottom of the pan.
This stew recipe is a result of making it at least once a month for the past 12 years; it's a big family favorite and each step has been carefully thought out. This is really a guide to making good stew; you can feel free to mix it up and use different onions or bigger chunks of veggies. I have toddlers so cooking in small bite size pieces works well for my family but I know it's popular to make stews with big chunky veggies. If you do try this please come back and let me know how it worked out for you!
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