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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Working Mommy Wednesday

Welcome to another episode of Working Mommy Wednesday! Today's prompts are:

  1. Does being a mom cause your co-workers to think of you as the “office mom”?
  2. Children’s books can be, boring – have you found any that are fun to read over and over?
Children's Books
In a world full of children's stories on TV, internet and books a parent can get really tired of the same stories over and over - like Curious George. Regardless, I love reading to my kids and due to having a teacher for a mom, I seem to have accumulated over 50 kids books! The variety definitely keeps things interesting but even so they can get tiresome to read night after night.

Then I discovered the coolest books ever written for kids - and I'm not talking about Dr. Seuss because he's really cool but his books are kinda long for a bedtime story.

In a trip to London earlier this year I wandered into an independent book store and stumbled across two books that have become the stars of our collection! They are:

The books are written in 4 line rhymes per page and they are hysterical! They cover the antics of aliens and dinosaurs who have become obsessed over stealing human's underpants. The artwork is really funny and entertaining along with very rich colors.

I've checked the author's website (http://www.clairefreedman.co.uk/) and noticed she has two more books so I definitely know what Charlotte is getting for Christmas!

I think books like this would be great birthday gifts because the kids I know already have too many toys and you never know what to get because you don't want to copy what they already have! So I plan to give these books as gifts for any 3-5 year old I come across needing a birthday present.

Now it's your turn! Tell me what books are the stars of your collection. I love collecting books and am looking forward to your ideas.


Angie said...

Those books look like fun! Rachel isn't quite two yet and already she LOVES to "read". I can't wait until she gradutes from books showing colors and objects and letters/numbers to books that actually tell a story.

Anonymous said...

The Dinosaur book is right up my little guy's alley! I think that will be on his b-day list... which is coming in Nov. Great WMW post theme. I love sharing the books we read to our little ones.

Have a great day!

Mamma Kerr said...

Hi Rachel!

Those look like fun books!! My girls LOVE dinosaurs! ;)

I will certainly be looking out for them...

Happy WMW!!

AKA Mamma Kerr

PS I've done TWO WMW posts today! ;)