Three weeks ago our stove broke on a Saturday. I was baking a frozen pizza when the timer started beeping excessively. Open the yellow pages, find a repair man. Oh you can come today! Wonderful. For $49.50 he opened the back, swept my floor under the stove, picked up the magnets and toys that had fallen and placed them on the counter. He asked where the nearest Walgreens was to buy a battery for his tool and I laughed and said don’t worry, I probably have that in the garage. Sure enough, we did. He said we needed a new part for the computer that runs the clock and would call on Monday with the price.
Monday came, and he says, I’m sorry but it will cost $450 for the part, you are better off getting a new stove.
Heavy sigh, we are already over budget for the month. Can’t afford a new stove. Look into used stoves, can’t afford those either. Hate to take out of savings. Cry to God for help with budget and stove.
The next day husband turns it on, it works.
We humbly thank our father in heaven who watches out for us and hears our needs.
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