About all we got right on that list was arriving at the pumpkin patch. The lines were too long to stand in with two small children. Here, at least one of us is having a great time:

We got her to hold a pumpkin, but it looks like she's working at a labor camp.

So I switched to the other child, but he's sleeping. At least I finally remembered to take down my bun which translates into great curls with no effort!

She didn't do any better with the other parent.

We still have next weekend to try other Pumpkin patches! I'm determined to get great/happy photos out of this Fall Season!!!
ps. I thought the unhappy photos weren't supposed to start until the teenage years!!!
I don't care if she is smiling or not. She is cute either way! Also, if she is smiling in every pictures from birth to adulthood, what will you use to embarrass her with later? Love the pictures. I just love that you are growing those beautiful long curls again! Good to see all of you. (Less than two more weeks!!!)
You should be elected president of the evil moms club for trying to give them a fun day and get a photo op. I'll be VP for daring to dress my daughter, leave the house and go to a 4th of July celebration where there would be sugar and fireworks.
I have a picture of E, face screwed up, mouth wide open with a scream, tears at the injustice of it all running down her face.
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