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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Six Word Saturday


Jan said...

Joy... a beautiful word, quiet contentment to me.

Jan B said...

Joy... such a beautful word..... quiet contentment?

Unknown said...

Yum, yum - fresh home cooked bread - nothing like it

Wayne W Smith said...

It is nice that you can find joy...it is amazing how people do not seem to want to find it.

retired not tired said...

Glad you found "Joy". Had she been missing for long?

Anonymous said...

now you have made me hungry...nothing like fresh banana or pumpkin bread!

21 Wits said...

All my favorites!

Alyson said...

mmm banana loaf cake - ooh you've set me off now, haven't baked one for ages!
and joy is a great word!
“Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God.”
― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

restlessjo said...

Love, love, love bread!

Unknown said...

Now I'm craving hot pumpkin bread!