5:30am, I’m up before the kids. Scrolling through Twitter as I wake myself up
I see Alia Joy post the word “Quiet” for 5 minute Friday. Ah ha!
I love quiet, I say to myself. It’s
quiet right now. But wait, if you’re
really still you can hear a small voice begin the ramp up of “ahhh”. It starts softly at first. I quietly tip toe out to get my laptop to
write this post. I can do it in my last
5 minutes of quiet, I say to myself.
As I’m typing the voice gets more insistent. Ahhheeyah!
Not so quiet anymore. 2 minutes
left, she quiets down again. Little
stinker, she’s going to wake the other 2 if I don’t go get her. Oh wait, they will wake up anyway if I go in
there! Yes, my 3 kids share a room. The only quiet part of my day is when they
are sleeping. I love this part, the
quiet time but I also love their little voices through the baby monitor.
5.30am! Yowsers! That's early!
Respect for your dedication in getting up to write rather than squeeze those extra minutes to sleep. That's the mark of a true writer, for sure.
Enjoyed coming to you via five-min-Friday!
I like your writing.
I sooooo understand. I aim to wake before my house bursts to life. Have a great day! From you fellow Five Minute Friday writer. ;)
Well thank you Tanya but it's only a recent commitment that happened after the time changed and I just kept going to bed and waking at the same time, so it's really 6:30 for me :)
Denise, that is probably the nicest compliment I've ever received on my blog. Thank you for blessing me :)
Thanks for visiting Dana, hope you have a great Friday as well!!
Hey Rachel, wow, the only time I'm up at 5:30 am is if I haven't gone to bed yet( Says the true night owl.) I love the quiet but I get it at night. My kids are all early risers so the earlier I get up the earlier they want to. How's that baby doing? I meant to tell you last time I was here that your kids are adorable. Hope you're doing well. I was looking through pictures at Allume and we never got one of all of us together. :( I always forget that stuff and then I am bummed when I get home. Next time. ;)
This is my story too, Rachel. Sometimes I think that I can't get up early enough…that there may be no such thing :)
We keep trying though, don't we?
How have things been since your return home? I agree with Alia- how did we not even get one picture together!?
Alia, it started with supreme effort to get up that early and now I do it because it's the only part of the day that's completely mine before work and kids take over! The baby is doing great, she's up to 12lbs and doctor's are finally satisfied that she's putting on weight but just small! Don't know how we kept missing each other during the day at Allume but I passed you like once in the hallway! Crazy how big that event was!!
Things are going well enough since I got home, I had about a week of major stress getting ready for our big Texas trip but we are here now and I'm feeling much better. Hope you are well!!
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