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Sunday, March 20, 2011


So nice to come home to spring. In South Florida, spring hits mid-March and means the following:

* Strawberries $1.66 per container (they grow right here in Florida)
* Daffodils $3.99 for a bunch of 20
* In my own tiny garden, 2 orchids are blooming along with a favorite amaryllis - and this plant blooms like clockwork every spring - note this post from last April!

From this burst of growth came a burning ambition to freshen up the house. So we cleaned the fans, cleaned out the refrigerator, reupholstered 3 chairs for evening dining on the porch, put a coat of beeswax on outdoor table, put a coat of linseed oil on outdoor chair and painted the top of TV stand that Charlotte had previously decorated with pen and stickers. What a fun day!!!


Caterina said...

Where are you getting the daffodils? At a florist or grocery store? So jealous of your spring cleaning :D I wanna do that!

rapunzel said...

Wow! Awesome price for daffodils. We have some that randomly come up in our flower beds. I think they came with the house because I sure don't remember planting them. :)

Every year I buy tulips to put in the church for Easter Sunday in memory of my dad. Then I keep a bulb for myself and give the rest to my sisters. I love spring!!