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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Finding the transition to be difficult

The transition to "light bed rest" that is. It's that time period where I just want to get stuff done, otherwise known as nesting but I'm constantly exhausted by the littlest things like taking a shower, walking 1/3 of a mile, getting ready for church and well just about everything! It's exasperating!!

Goals for today (starting 1pm):

* eat lunch
* walk around condo and put away all the stuff that's been floating around tripping all of us
* sit at table and remove all tags from baby boys clothing, wash all
* take 2 hour nap when Charlotte naps
* go to Target to look for birthday gifts for Charlotte
* plan birthday celebration for next weekend - it's only going to be myself, her dad and Mema (grandmother) so just need to find a fun place to celebrate.
* make dinner at 5pm

I guess that's about it!

I know I know, cry me a river, at least baby boy and self are in good health. That's something to celebrate!


Grit said...

that is a pretty impressive list of goals! and such a big baby to rest!

and don't worry too much about the weeks you get - ours were born 33 weeks and around 4lbs each; it didn't stop them turning up to be strapping young ladies with plenty of opinion!

R. Molder said...

Golly Grit - 12lbs of babies! You brave woman! Thanks for your reassurances, we'll be okay, I'm just trying to avoid NICU where they hold your baby hostage until they are 6lbs and a long list of stuff that the pediatrician could be checking after and I swear with Charlotte they really went overboard. I was so pissed at the head nurse by day 5 when she was eating fine and they literally had nothing left to hold her on. I've heard rumors from hospital staff of hospitals holding onto patients to meet their quota for the month, apparently if they are under 85% occupancy they are considered unprofitable.

Rumour Miller said...

Something to celebrate indeed!

I must say I lurve #4 on your list and so wish all my kids still napped. Alas the four year old will have none of that.

crazywildberry said...

Hope you have a wonderful week getting ready for Charlotte's birthday! What is she getting and where are you taking her?

I was six months pregnant at son's birthday and 7 1/2 months pregnant at older daughter's birthday. I think this year will be the first 2nd birthday party that I will not be pregnant for. I don't know what we are doing for it either. Luckily we have a few months to think. Probably a happen' night out at Chuck E' Cheese's. LOL!

crazywildberry said...

It also doesn't help that you are a type A personality! Sitting around has never been your thing!