Do you feel starting a blog has improved your life or added one too many things on your plate?
Definitely improved! Here are are a few of the ways:
1. Staying connected with a wide variety of friends - some I've known for many years (at least two going back to um birth? we grew up in the same church), others from high school and college. I live far far away from my lovely friends, some I haven't seen in longer than I care to remember so this is a great way to let them know how I'm doing and receive a little interaction in return.
2. As a working mom, I'm really busy! No really!! My weekends are entirely spent with children since I don't see them much throughout the week (that one hour in the evening goes really fast). I'm trying to open myself up to seeing friends on the weekends but it's a tough balance. So I have to say this blog has become a brilliant way to connect with other moms out there. Get feedback, commiserate, share, etc.
3. This blog has introduced me to such a wide variety of cultures, beliefs and education choices which is awesome because life is never stale with variety!
4. I've met a brilliant caring nurse through this blog who's become close enough that I was able to call her throughout my last pregnancy to get advice, once even in the middle of the night when I broke out with mastitis and she sent me straight to the ER - she was up all night with her young son and did tell me to call any time!
5. Writing skills have improved which is an asset to my career!
6. I'm going to Hong Kong in a few weeks during which I've planned to meet up with a home school blogger mom I've been reading for 3 years. How cool is that???
7. My mom reads my blog and therefore gets updated on many of the details I forget to bring up in our weekly conversations. I think that's pretty awesome!!!
So I'd have to say yes this has definitely enhanced my life!
1. Staying connected with a wide variety of friends - some I've known for many years (at least two going back to um birth? we grew up in the same church), others from high school and college. I live far far away from my lovely friends, some I haven't seen in longer than I care to remember so this is a great way to let them know how I'm doing and receive a little interaction in return.
2. As a working mom, I'm really busy! No really!! My weekends are entirely spent with children since I don't see them much throughout the week (that one hour in the evening goes really fast). I'm trying to open myself up to seeing friends on the weekends but it's a tough balance. So I have to say this blog has become a brilliant way to connect with other moms out there. Get feedback, commiserate, share, etc.
3. This blog has introduced me to such a wide variety of cultures, beliefs and education choices which is awesome because life is never stale with variety!
4. I've met a brilliant caring nurse through this blog who's become close enough that I was able to call her throughout my last pregnancy to get advice, once even in the middle of the night when I broke out with mastitis and she sent me straight to the ER - she was up all night with her young son and did tell me to call any time!
5. Writing skills have improved which is an asset to my career!
6. I'm going to Hong Kong in a few weeks during which I've planned to meet up with a home school blogger mom I've been reading for 3 years. How cool is that???
7. My mom reads my blog and therefore gets updated on many of the details I forget to bring up in our weekly conversations. I think that's pretty awesome!!!
So I'd have to say yes this has definitely enhanced my life!
Yay! Three cheers for blogging!! I LOVE it!! :)
I also enjoy reading your blog! :)
I love how blogging enables like-minded people from across the globe to connect, advise, encourage and share! It's great!
AKA MammaKerr
so cool you get to meet up with a blogger!!! that is the best!! i agree... writing skills have improved and all!!!
When are you going to be in HK? We're there the 18th through 22nd for the Taylor Swift concert, broken ankle and all.
Wish I had more time to blog. I would like to make it more of a priority.
I think it's super cool you are meeting up with the blogger you have been following for 3 years now.
I am glad you write. Even though we talk by phone only about three times a year, I feel up-to-date on all your latest news and issues. This blog gives me a chance to connect and comment when I get the chance. And if I am a little behind, I don't feel like I miss anything. I just get caught up at my leisure.
Very motivating - I love blogging too and have met some inspiring people!
How awesome about your HK visit and meet up.
I would love to meet a fellow blogger. Have yet to do so!
Well SoFla Mama we'll just have to meet up some day - after all, we are neighbors!
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