I've taken a two month break from Multitude Monday because I needed to slow down on blogging to prepare for baby. She's here, and absolutely adorable at four weeks old tomorrow. Here's a list of the latest things I'm thankful for:
266. This tiny child with spiky hair like a fairy, we call her Violette.
267. For grandparents who come and dote on their Grandkids with so much love and affection.
268. For a dresser full of baby girl clothes, we've barely had to but anything!
269. The sound of two older children waking and talking quietly.
270. A weekend of rain, to refill local supplies.
271. Baby frogs, smaller than a dime, and a chance to teach the older kids to respect life and not squish them.
272. One month of newborn cuddle time with no health issues, just a perfectly growing and happy baby girl. We are so blessed.
273. Breakfast muffins, waiting for us this morning.
274. A husband who tries to understand.
275. Plenty of diapers - thanks to the grandparents again :)
276. 11 hours spent in bed!
277. Excellent production of breast milk = happy baby.
278. Freedom of press, living in a country where news is not censored.
279. Sharing imaginary lemons with a 3 year old.
280. Hearing your 3 year old tell her grandmother "I got you a baby, just for you!"
281. One year old son who shows his adoration by kissing my hand repeatedly.
282. One year old son with dirt under his too-long fingernails, shows his diligence with outdoor learning - right?
283. As I pause while writing this post in a quiet room, I can hear each of my children's voices through the baby monitor and I'm delighted to recognize a new voice from Violette. She has this little AhhhhhHHHH that escalates until she's picked up.
284. Mid day lattes made at home.
285. Leftover cheesecake.
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