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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Random Tuesday


Today I checked out my Stats page and found people have discovered my blog by searching the following "dropped a baby on the head". I can't recall ever dropping a baby on it's head or writing about this! I find it a little odd that someone may have dropped their baby on it's head and then searched the internet for advise.

Last week my favorite post got no comments! Normally I wouldn't care but this is full of stories of things we do that are WAY overboard for our kids. Check it out


I'm finally back on moderate bed rest, any long time readers may remember I had Charlotte at 35 weeks and Sam full term at 38 weeks. With Sam I went on bed rest at 33 weeks (my current status) and we think it helped to carry him full term. This means I can now work from home in clothing I wouldn't normally dare be seen out of the house in and I don't wear make up. Save money on gas driving to work and use that money to run the AC at 72 all day (considerably colder than work office)! It will be fun and comfortable!!

Have a random Tuesday!


Christa the BabbyMama said...

I'm totally having this weird issue where my browser isn't letting me click on anything on your home page below the nav...? But anyway, when I looked at analytics, I have found some pretty weird stuff... including someone who was apparently searching for a naughty nurse porno!

Cathy Kennedy said...

Bed rest! Wow, that doesn't sound fun.Unfortunately, this is necessary sometimes. The important thing is have a safe & healthy delivery. Best of luck to you!

Stacy Uncorked said...

Sounds like you're embracing the bed rest mode - comfy clothes and no makeup! :)

Kinda freaky someone found your blog by googling dropping a baby on their head...

Random Ponder, Seeking an Antidote for an Anecdote, Naptime Interruptus, Impulsive Swap

Crystal N said...

Bed rest blows. Hugs.

Angie said...

Am I bad person for laughing a bit at that first paragraph? Geez...someone searched "I dropped my baby on its head", found a blog, and read that BEFORE calling a doctor? yikes.

Anyway, thinking about you during this time. Good luck and may you mind some enjoyment during this anxisous time.

Kristine said...

Bed rest sounds awful. Wishing you luck!!

Amanda said...

It was only a matter of time for the bed rest I guess. That just means you're getting closer. :)
It's fun to see what people are searching for...mine highest is "Cream of Potato Soup," which unlike yours...I did post my favourite recipe. Doubt that really matters though. It's still kind of funny.