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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Random Tuesday


Joining Stacy for another week of Random Tuesday Thoughts

Starting with some random links:
Awesome Marriage Links
Lately I've run across a stream of great marriage posts (must be due to Valentine's Day) and thought them well worth your time, should you be looking for encouragement and advise in this area:

- Still the Sea posted a two part series last week, starting with the mention of Heidi Klum's divorce, if she can't make it who can? Part two is a long list of advise from a 15 year veteran of marriage. Good stuff:
Part 1
Part 2

- Ann Voscamp has written about a time when she asked her husband how she could be a better wife.
Click here.

- Over at (in)Courage, Ann Voscamp also writes this piece "What you're trying to tell him when you're angry".
Click here.

Better Blogger Link:
- 10 social media tips for bloggers (who are really hyper serious about promoting their blog/brand).

Random photo:
In recent Orlando trip, Sam selected a football as his toy of choice. Now he goes to bed with it. But don't let that cute photo fool you into thinking he's the perfect guy! He's responsible for having a complete meltdown at Kilwin's Chocolate thus ensuring I didn't get any chocolate peanut butter cups last week! Hope they make it up to me in the near future - hint hint!!!

Random News Story
Hong Kong McDonald’s Is Now Offering Wedding Packages!

Have a great random Tuesday!


Stacy Uncorked said...

Such a cutie! I well know the cuteness can mask the not-so-cute moments - when Little Dude is in trouble, he tries to get out of it with his cute winning smile. ;) Isn't it funny how they get attached to specific toys they have to sleep with. And I hope you get your chocolate peanut butter cups soon!

Valentine Spoilage, Where’s My Water Addiction, The Hunger Games Dilemma

Kristine said...

Love all the randomness today!!! Your son is too stinkin' cute for words!! Hope you get your pb cups soon. They sound awesome.

RantRaveRoll said...

So cute!
I think I'll pass on the McWedding