Lunch was lovely but our baby refused all manner of food, electing instead to march all over the picnic area with post car ride energy.
We then moved onto the boat ride and cuddled a tired baby who quickly realized we were on water which is cool and proceeded to play play play on the boat.

Photo of our friends -

Sky photo -

Sand trail -

And finally the crash -

We got to see 3 dolphins on this trip, what an amazing sight! It's my favorite thing about the west coast of Florida. Sorry, no photos, my camera is too slow!
Following the boat ride we stopped to visit the worlds smallest Post Office -

And then a stop at a gas station that 5 years ago had an alligator head bottle head opener.
And then, even though it was 4:30 and a 2 hour ride back, we stopped to walk a 2 mile trail at an Indian reservation. It did give us a chance to feed baby which she finally agreed was a good idea but threw a temper tantrum on the trail so husband had to take her back to the car for time out. We found out later she spent much of that time digging in the dirt and was quite happily covered when we returned.
Sunset photo -

New groovy face photo -

We got back at 8pm, so thankful for the Chili we had brought to contribute! While eating, Charlotte tumbled head first off her chair and I managed to catch her by one leg. A surprising feat of parental achievement considering I've totally missed even seeing her last two head injuries. Way to look good in front of people mom!
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