In 2008 the financial crisis began with the collapse of
Lehman Brothers on September 15, but we didn’t really feel the effects until
2009. That is the year where reduced
work hours became the norm in business.
All non-management staff at the company I worked at had reduced hours
and I lived the entire year with the threat hanging over my head that my hours/salary
could be reduced at a moment notice.
We had our first baby in June 2008, so all of 2009 was spent
crunching numbers to afford her needs along with the constant fear of losing
pay at work.
2009 became my year to dig deep into our finances, drive
less, and cook more home made meals.
Yet, somehow despite our best efforts, I still managed to lose a bunch
of money on our red car due to a mechanic who took us for a ride. Regardless of all the challenges, we had
enough ray of hope in our future to get pregnant again!
2010 we seek a balance of God's will for our finances and balancing our own desires.
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