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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Seeking Balance

My son turns 7 weeks old tomorrow; these are the days when progress is measured by weeks. We know from experience there will come a day when we find balance and there will be enough time for both children but until then life is upside down.

I came home tonight at 8pm, relaxed from yoga class, with an armful of groceries & dinner from Whole Foods to find husband exhausted from the day of caring for newborn and increasingly unhappy daughter about the distribution of attention.

He fell into bed and immediately went to sleep. I did the following (this is purely to remind myself of the insanity if we ever get around to talking about #3):

8:00 - 8:30 - I can't remember much, but part of it involved fixing a barrette in daughter's hair and making her scream. I also fed her some mac n' cheese from Whole Foods before husband ferried her off to bed
8:30 - eat dinner
9:00 - 9:15 - breast pump because son had already eaten and fallen asleep
9:15 - 10:30 - chores
  • take dog out for bathroom break
  • notice plants are dry, rearrange them so the ones leaning very far into the sun are rotated so they might possibly grow straighter, bamboo plant fell over - straighten it and add two long sticks with twisty ties so it stays upright
  • water all plants on the porch
  • feed dog
  • change dogs water
  • feed cats
  • change cats water
  • change bedding in spare bedroom (which is really our living room) where husband sleeps most nights to keep baby from waking me up
  • attempt to clean crayon marks that have been creatively drawn all over dark brown coffee table. Any cleaner suggestions?
  • refill water in kitchen pitcher
  • gather all trash and put in one place for husband to take out
  • pick up all toys from floor
  • sweep floors
  • unpack produce
  • put Charlotte back in bed (she always gets out and once she falls asleep on the floor, we put her back in bed for the night)
And now I have a few work emails to write and I'm going to bed by 11.


Amanda said...

All I can say is, oh my goodness! I know it's a parent thing...but Super Woman comes to mind...and Super Hubby too. ;)

crazywildberry said...

Crayon on walls? Magic Eraser. It's awesome!

I'm telling you, come visit me for a weekend before you decide to have #3. Might just be the best birth control you ever tried. Love my kids, they are a handful! One is great all by themselves, but add one or two to the mix and they just egg each other on and shake things up! Just keep it in mind. You'll see when Sam is a little older and mobile. :)