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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Pre-school is VERY stressful - for me

I thought pre-school was going to be a really fun experience.  I read the brochures, they said summer time is full of fun and games - puppet day, water day, bounce house, pizza Friday's, etc.  How cool is that???  Then reality of the first week set in.

Not only do I have to get myself out the door and to work on time, I have to pack/dress/feed my high maintenance daughter!  Enter panic and hectic mornings that I've never known before.

New respect is born for the parent who works and puts their children in daycare.  I'll admit that I never quite realized or appreciated the luxury of saying goodbye to a family still in their pajamas with no set agenda for the day. 

This new schedule requires intense planning.  The night before school I organize Charlotte's backpack with blanket and spare outfit.  I pack both our lunches.  In the morning I pack my breast pump equipment and computer bag.  I get myself and Charlotte dressed for the day and feed Violette.  

All was going well until Water Wednesday rolled around.  This requires dressing Charlotte for a day of water play, she has one swim suit that she hasn't seen in a year and is mad about not having a selection to choose from.  It's a Christian school so she needs shorts, I slap the only pair of pink shorts I can find on her and she's NOT pleased.  I cover her in suntan lotion - just one more thing in a busy morning, and pack a plastic bag to tie over her arm cast.  Then - it rains - HARD.   And it's so late that I can't get to work on time and take her to school so husband loads all 3 kids in the van and takes Charlotte to school. 

I seriously want to cry from exhaustion of just getting to work and getting her in school!  Thank God I work at a simple office job and can just sit still and relax, read emails and drink hot tea. 

I'm sure this new routine will become easier.  Mom's do it every day.  I'm just so used to only taking care of myself on work days that I never realized what a luxury that was!

1st day of school photo


Amanda said...

I'd have to say you have very good reasons for being tired and stressed! Before long I'm sure it will feel like this is how it has always been...albeit hopefully with a bit more sleep soon! :)

Corrina said...

My 2 youngest daughters went to preschool this past year. My oldest daughter spent a few yrs going to a home daycare, but this was an actual preschool experience. And let me tell you, it caused more than one breakdown! It is stressful and what should be easy, often isn't! The theme days, and the parties to bring stuff for and naptime supplies and specific snack and lunch foods. I often had that thought---this is supposed to make my life as a working mom easier, not more complicated!