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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Charlotte's 4th Birthday

Birthday's are for planning parties and bigger better memories then the year before - right?  Not this year.  Overwhelmed with a month of doctor's appointments following Charlotte's broken arm and other complicated personal business we found ourselves completely unprepared to throw a party for Charlotte. 

I spent the Sunday before her birthday buying presents with her younger brother in tow.  I wrapped them after a long day of work on Monday and Charlotte's first day of school - this put me in bed by 11pm and up the next day at 6am while getting up to feed Violette at least twice.  We still managed to open a few presents that morning, husband ran out to Dunkin Donuts for Charlotte's favorite strawberry donut and we had a lovely morning.  I somehow managed to get to work on time, husband took Charlotte to school - yes she still wanted to go to school on her birthday - and that evening we had pizza and cupcakes (that I had managed to make on Sunday night while holding the baby). 

When I say these days are long and hectic I'm not joking!  These are seriously the longest days I've ever lived through!!

Charlotte was happy for her entire birthday, not once did she ask where was the party.  I was so worried that she'd notice we hadn't thrown her a party that I had a back up plan to manufacture one by the weekend and go knocking on our neighbors doors begging them to come on short notice.  She never once asked.  She enjoyed her day, the presents were spot on perfect.  A Dora dress she had been admiring at Target for weeks now, Princess pajamas, a pink Princess crown and wand (which she calls a Presto) and other gifts from the grandmothers made the day special.

I wonder how often I sweat bullets over what I think my kids expectations are and in the end, they are quite satisfied with what we provide.  I'm glad, I honestly didn't have enough steam left to throw a party for the weekend!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Happy Birthday Charlotte!