Last week I received an email from a designer looking for work (the only other toy company in our area had shut down). Later that day I received a request from that designer on Linked In to be friends.
I phoned a friend who had worked at this designers prior company and found the person had a rather negative reputation.
Following that tip I politely told this person we were not hiring at this time and that we'd keep said resume on file in case anything came up.
Not satisfied, the designer called my boss directly. Yep, went right over my head. Interesting strategy, I guess the motivation could have been to replace me or to see if I was just lying. At any rate my boss referred designer to me and I suggested referring to my original email stating we are not hiring at this time.
I'm willing to give anyone the benefit of doubt regardless of reputation but seriously we are not hiring. Not that any of the above puts this person as a first choice. Small company = rubbing elbows every day. Who wants to work with someone who lacks respect?
You think people would know better.
I'm always shocked at how badly some people "network".
You think people would know better.
I'm always shocked at how badly some people "network".
Unbelievable! I wouldn't dare go over a potential boss's head to seek employment. Very tacky! I wonder if they are even remotely embarrassed that they were caught.
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