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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

730 days in Maryland - that's 2 years!

Hard to believe we tumbled out of our minivan and truck/Filmore trailer 2 years ago to relocate in Hagerstown, MD.  I'm astonished to see I never blogged about the move although I did tweet about it here.  Check out this awesome trailer my husband made to move our stuff. 

Filmore has become a shed since moving to Maryland.

It's been wonderful to live near family and work from home.  I treasure these two years and after seeing the news about these poor young kids getting bit by sharks in waste deep water I don't even miss the ocean.  When we lived in FL, I'd get heart palpitations every time I took our crew to the beach because how fast they are to want to jump right in and they want you to go out far into the water and keep them safe on a boogie board.  Not fun at all!  So no, there's absolutely nothing about Florida that I miss at this point.  Even winter has not deterred me from enjoying our new life in Maryland.

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