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Sunday, March 09, 2014

If only I could turn down travel in March because my Amaryllis' are blooming

Alas, who turns down a business trip for that reason?

 But they are so gorgeous, and they only bloom once a year!  And for some odd reason, I have 2 others ready to bloom - which means I'll miss seeing them - tragic.

Spring is coming on March 20th, and after such a brutal winter I'd love to see spring roll in.  I'm afraid that when I get back on the 27th it will already be here!  But maybe that's okay - I might miss one more snow storm promised this week - the day after I leave.

I will also miss "Talk Like William Shatner" 3/22, Pi Day 3/14, St. Patrick's Day, Spring Equinox, Maryland Day and my mom's birthday!

Well, we celebrated mom's birthday today so glad we fit that in before I leave!

Hopefully husband will send me photos of the flowers while I travel.

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