I always take one day off before a major trip to pack and spend with the family. Trips to Hong Kong must start on a Saturday morning because it is almost a 24 hour trip + time difference to arrive by Sunday night HK time!
Friday I was desperate to see the beach one last time before the trip. Hong Kong is notorious for it's gray skies and I knew this would be my last chance to see sun. The only tricky part was dropping Charlotte off for school and swearing we would be back to get her on time AND return to the beach for her turn! I mean, one simply cannot pack a vehicle full of beach gear and drop the oldest off at school without suspicions being raised.
After dropping her off, we suddenly realized that this might be the first moment we've had as a couple with our third baby. She was thrilled to have her two favorite people so even though it ran right into nap time we took her straight to the beach and catered to her every whim.
Back to school to get Charlotte, we arrive early and the teachers tell me they are all praying for my upcoming trip to Hong Kong. They are so totally enthralled with what I do, it makes me laugh. I finally make my way back to get Charlotte and after some negotiating over treasure box items we leave and make a quick stop for lunch.
Part two was HOT, we stayed about an hour to give Charlotte her fair share of beach time and packed up. This is why we typically only stay for the morning but I'm really happy we had the time to accommodate her, she seemed to really enjoy herself and baby was a good sport about the weather.
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