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Friday, December 26, 2008

Charlotte's first Christmas

It's only a good present if it can be eaten.

She was very polite with the book.

But wrapping paper is more fun to eat.

Onto the beach!

Good times!

As we arrived, we noticed the lifeguard stand had red and purple flags out with a sign reading DANGER Rip Currents and Man of war. We watched as a child ran screaming towards his parents after getting stung by a Man of war. We then found them all over the beach.

We had a lovely Christmas


motherbumper said...

Each time I see Man of Wars I think of that Judy Blume book Starring Sally J. Friedmen as herself - she was scared of them when she moved to Florida. They are so cool (but scary). I'm so envious of Christmas at the beach, especially since we are in a windchill of -20 right now.

Anonymous said...


I thought I wanted a white Christmas, but I have a new dream now...a beach Christmas.

The pictures are great.

R. Molder said...

Beach Christmas is cool but take note, S. Florida does not really do much in the way of decorations for Christmas so you kinda feel detached from the holiday. I've used up all my vacation time this year with having the baby so here we stay!

crazywildberry said...

You were missed! Glad you used you vacation time for such a precious reason, but looking forward to meeting Charlotte and of course, seeing you again!!