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Sunday, April 05, 2020

Victory Garden 2020

We've gardened for six years and this year we are calling it our Victory Garden, inspired from the gardens people had in WWI and WWII.  Gardens give hope and inspiration in times of stress and financial need.  I guess many others had the same idea because we've been reading this week that stores are selling out, sure enough our favorite Southern Exposure Seed Exchange has a message up that they are not accepting any new orders.

We've switched to these locations:

Filaree Garlic Farm - https://www.filareefarm.com/

  • Ordered - 12 purple profusion sweet potatoes $22.75 (more than I would have paid on Southern Exposure but this is one of my favorite garden items so it's worth it to me)

SeedGeeks on Etsy - https://www.etsy.com/shop/SeedGeeks?ref=shop_sugg

  • Ordered:  red onions, tomatillos, sweet banana peppers and jalapenos $14.98
Natures Potions Ltd on Etsy - https://www.etsy.com/shop/NaturesPotionsLtd
  • Anahiem Green Peppers $4.25
Total spent $48.15

The following seedlings are started based on our own collection:

  • 2 Poblano Peppers and 2 chili cubanelle peppers - from seeds we dried, but none have come up so I've given up on these
  • 8 beefsteak tomatoes - all are doing very well
3/30/20 - nothing has popped up yet as of today
  • 12 Roma tomatoes
  • 4 carrots
  • 8 pinto beans 
  • 2 red bell peppers
  • 1 basil
  • 2 lettuce
  • 8 butternut squash
  • We found sprouts in the compost bin from past squash, not sure which yet.  Trans-planted the healthiest looking plants to sit under our grow light.
I asked my cousin for Zucchini seeds and she took some of our Roma Tomatoes, Lettuce and Spinach.

Last year we started our garden in May yet despite starting early in March I'm completely astonished at how fast seeds are disappearing from stores.  It's great to see so many want to grow things, I only hope they are not disappointed.  Some soils do not have enough nutrients to grow things well the first year, there is a balance of enough rain needed and then there are the bugs and critters trying to get their share.  I wish everyone the best of luck and hope it's a trend that continues long beyond this current virus craze.  I personally love gardening during my lunch break.  It's a welcome change from sitting at a desk.

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