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Saturday, March 21, 2020

Backyard Update

When we moved here there was a pile for dumping weeds, leaves and any other garden waste.  We added waste throughout the fall, spring and at the end of summer our finished acorn squash and tomato plants.  By now, the pile has turned into decent dirt, it simply required a little time to sift the dirt from remaining bulk.  I'm happy to say we finished this weekend!  Hurrah!  I was finally able to get the compost cans in that corner and begin seeding the bare parts of the yard with grass seed.  This is the perfect time to lay grass seed now that it's no longer going below freezing at night and 60's during the day.  Looking forward to a nicer lawn this year!

Now if we can just replace that horrid lattice work!!

And look who got a fresh coat of paint!

What you see here is three containers with various stages of compost.  The wood over the top is to help the middle container finish drying out while we have a week of rain and don't want it getting too soaked.  We plan to narrow this down to two containers once the middle one is finished.

This little area was not accessible last year so I'm excited to put in a small garden area here.  It's quite shady most days so need some plants that don't mind 2-3 hours of sun per day.  Also quite anxious to get that ugly gray lattice work off and repaint the boarder.

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