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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Packing with three children under five

Packing, packing, packing.  That's all we are doing this Memorial Day weekend.  See that link on the side of my blog, we only have 18 days left.  No beach, no bar-b-que and absolutely NO fun!  Except for bubbles, coloring, cake pops and all the other little things that sneak in regardless of our parental resolve to STAY FOCUSED.

It goes something like this:

1.  Select a box, tape bottom, STOP, get child #1 crayons and paper. 
2.  Start to fill box with kitchen equipment, add about 2 things, STOP, get child #2 water.
3.  Add a few more things, STOP get child #3 a graham cracker.
4.  Finish box and refuse to stop until it's FULL!

Lot's of distractions, yet somehow we persevered.  At the end of two days a wall of boxes is packed.

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