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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Random Tuesday

Hmmm, what is the deal with Facebook pages?  I found myself with 111 likes and decided to pair it down because there were a number of pages where the owners have stopped posting updates!  I'm now down to 76 pages.

Speaking of FB pages, have you all noticed the recent change where you see your friends page like updates?  I have a friend who likes Country Outfitter so every Saturday there's a big old photo of cowgirl boots and a giveaway.  It's so random because every weekend I find myself saying - I don't recall liking this!  I'm here to tell you that this can be fixed!  I have my "likes" set up for ME to view only, that way my friends are not inundated with my likes!!!  Instructions:
  • Go to your profile page (top right corner)
  • Right under Activity Log should be your "Likes" section, click on this 
  • Click on the edit button
  • Scroll down to "other pages you like", note the little icon to the right, it has a drop down menu that lets you select "me only"!
  • Walla!  No more bugging your friends with your preferences.
Oh by the way, I now have a Facebook page for this blog!  I'd love for you to LIKE my page - yes I do have a secret agenda, I'd like to reach 50 likes before I attend a conference at the end of this month :)

In other random news, I found this nifty ad for eggs.  That's right, I said EGGS.  In an age where everything is branded and promoted, EGGS are trying to become a FAD with boosters and labels (picture from the back of Reader's Digest).  What happened to good old fashioned simple EGGS???

 Happy Random Tuesday!!

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