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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Canoe mounted, Squash planted

Today is a victory in terms of the honey-do list.  I've been pestering husband to get the canoe mounted to the fence for quite some time and today was the day it went up onto the fence, thus making way for a small squash patch.  I've been trying to keep these squash happy in two pots but they are out of space and clamoring for a patch to spread out in.  How do I know this?  Every day they get hot and wilt no matter how much I water them.  This shows me they need to dig deeper than the space I've given them.  

We are still working on getting the claw foot bathtub out of the yard.  Last year I filled it with sand and gravel from the wider path than we wanted.  Husband has been steadfastly finding places for it and promises to get rid of it one day.  The stone path leading to the gate needs reset and check out our work in progress shed - it's made from reclaimed pallets!!



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