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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Working Mom Wednesday

Linking to Work, Wife,Mom...Life! for Working Mommy Wednesday. For this week the discussion is: Your life in pictures (share your work, your home, your Christmas, etc)!!

I develop toys in partnership with an office in Hong Kong and Vietnam so almost every evening I'm in front of the computer checking emails and chatting with co-workers on SKYPE.

Does this flannel make my arms look big? Oh well, it's strangely 35 degrees in South Florida, that's like it getting chilly at the equator. Anyway, here I sit and clarify all the little details that somehow get missed in daily communication. It seems like no matter how much effort I put into art packages, they will always find a question to ask. I chalk it up to different cultures thinking differently.

Some nights I sit here till midnight and then I go into work late the next day. Honestly I'd prefer to sleep at 10 but I get sucked into this web of communication and then while waiting for someone to reply I do things like write this post.

I like my home office, it's has a big mirror to make it seem brighter so I'm not facing a wall; I have Christmas decorations around me and photos the remainder of the year.

Almost done, and I think they are done with me because replies are down to "got it". So once I finish a piece of pie I'm going to bed (written Tuesday night, ending 11pm)!!

Have a nice Wednesday friends.


Julia Ladewski said...

so cool to see where you do some of your work! love the big mirrors. makes a big difference. and the decorations look fab!!


Unpolished Parenting said...

Geez sounds like you have some late nights! Thats nice you have a place to work from home though... we haven't quite figured out a space for that in our house yet.

crazywildberry said...

Glad to hear that you get some sleep in there. And I love reading your posts. Great way to spend that time "waiting". Like the Christmas decorations too.

We are having our third 2-hour delay today and we've also had three cancellations too. Ugh! This is going to be long winter for us all. Do your kids have coats? Stay warm!

Suburban Turmoil said...

Love the mirror idea. I dream of having a home office (that's not the kitchen table) and I even have big plans for my sunroom. Maybe 2011 will be The Year of the Home Office for me... ;D

Merry Christmas, Friend!