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Monday, January 10, 2011

Multitude Monday

Oh no!  I missed posting in December!  That month was filled with baking, lots and lots of baking!!!  I made over 20 dozen cookies, 12lbs of pumpkin puree and at least 8 dozen muffins for presents to mail away to family.  I probably saved a ton of money but the time invested was tremendous.  Thinking of investing in a pressure cooker so we can do some canning this summer and thus lessen the panic in December to make gifts!

So to catch up on my thankfulness -
86.  Cold spells in South Florida, because it gives us just a little differences from the 80-90 degree range we normally have!
87.  Visits from grandmas.
88.  Mess - and the opportunity to laugh about it with friends who have had similar experiences.
89.  Generous giving - the opportunity to bless someone's life with a treat or much needed care package
90.  A new year and endless possibilities.


Greasycog said...

I'm blessed by all the treats, too! (Maybe a little too much).

Melanie said...

What a great idea for gifts! :) Love this!

Blessings to you!