Today is May 14th and we are now quite sure the cold weather is over, the next 10 days are predicted to be 50 - 70's. It feels a bit late to be planning as we usually plant after Easter, but it's been an unusually cool spring.
Here is a our landscape plan for the garden at mom's house 16 x 16':
Tomatoes are all grown from seed, strawberries are from my cousins garden that were overgrowing her neat rows, potatoes are from last year's crop that were too small to eat so we let them take root, pintos were grown from seed, and the purple sweet potatoes were ordered from Filaree Garlic Farm which should be shipped to us soon. I'm really excited and super nervous about putting these babies into the ground but all we can do at this point is cross our fingers and hope for great weather conditions!!
As a side note, we are aware that strawberries and tomatoes are not traditional companion plants, but there is nothing saying they cause harm when planted next to each other so we elected to plant in this order although after further research, potatoes and tomatoes can grow side by side and strawberries and potatoes can grow together so maybe next year we move the strawberries to the front and grow in order of strawberries, potatoes, tomatoes, pintos. I might even eliminate regular potatoes because they are cheap to buy and I don't do any canning or freezing with them. I might switch to one row of purple sweet potatoes and two rows of strawberries.
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