And today that thing is the Valentine's Day cookies/craft/give-away thing-a-ma-bob for the entire class.
Husband brought the kids home from school today and entered my home office with a frantic look on his face and said "you need to go out and get Valentine's gifts for Charlotte's class, the party is tomorrow!"
"But honey, I have a lot of work left today." He leaves my office without a word. A line has been drawn in the sand.
First I try to think of a way to convince him it's not a big deal, just go to Target with all 4 kids and pick something but instinct tells me that's a terrible idea.
Second I sulk.
Third I remember we have an entire batch of red velvet cupcakes in the freezer and I could quickly ice them but then I'd need to figure out a way to package them individually because what parent wants their kids coming home with a sticky cupcake in a bag with other candy and random goodies - Kindergarten schooled me in what to expect. Cancel the cupcake plan.
Forth I google "easy Valentine cookies" because I don't want to make sugar cookies and ice them and deal with all the kids wanting to help. It will be a two hour project and non-stop negotiations. I found this lovely gem for "Valentine Strawberry Cookies" but still requires a store trip. Fail.
Then I remember I'm out of flour so I'm going to the store regardless of what I pick. Very sad now. Oh well, at least dinner's a quickie! Pierogies with pre-made sauce. Maybe I'll make everyone go with me! NO, that will take twice as long! Now stop agonizing over this and get back to work!!
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