After my 3rd baby, a women called me from work to ask for a password. At the time, I only worked with like 10 people, 3 of which were women and I could not for the life of me remember this women's name, let alone the password she was asking for! I was at Chick Fil A eating lunch with family who had just flown in and my brain was just mushy.
This time - I forgot how to use my breast pump!!! The very pump that has traveled with me around the world, been used on airplanes and in Chinese factory bathrooms! The first model got it's power source blown when I failed to use an adaptor in Vietnam. I tried replacing it with a cheaper model but by my 3rd baby I had gone back to Ameda. Now I can say in addition to being an awesome pump, they have even more awesome customer service.
It all started last week when I tried to pump and nothing happened. I was almost in tears because baby was not cooperating and I really needed to pump but I somehow managed through that night. The next day I called Ameda customer support even though I knew I was well past the one year warranty date, I was hoping they might have some advice. Paula walked me through every step, listened to the pump through the phone, asked me if the SPEED was turned up to 50% to which I replied yes, then later in the conversation realized it wasn't - so THAT was the problem! She was so sweet and understanding; I can tell she's a mom who's definitely used the product. I apologized and said it must be my post pregnancy foggy mind and she was so understanding.
One week after the call, the pump is working just as well as I always remembered it and I just called Paula back to thank her for the awesome support. I think people really deserve to get recognition for their efforts so this post is a huge thank you to Paula for saving me from buying a new pump out of frustration and for teaching me how to better use this one because she also gave me a bunch of tips to get the most out of this awesome machine.
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