The kids were sent home from spring break through the end of their 2019/2020 school year. We did well, but in hindsight it's because the teachers gave less work, cut out entire subjects and the kids had the benefit of being in school for three quarters of the school year so they were used to the curriculum. We were told our kids were outstanding students. They did their school work while I worked full time. Mike was home more often and could help with questions.
For the fall semester, Mike will be working at the school from 8:30 - 3 or 4pm. The school has two plans - distance learners and in-school learners. The classrooms are small for some grades so there is a limit to how many students can squeeze into a classroom and be positioned six feet apart. We decided early on to keep ours home, after all they did so well in the spring, and many parents were desperate to get their kids back in school.
This week I met with the teachers to pick up books and go through all the subjects they would be learning. After reviewing the 7th grade workload I panicked and asked the teacher if there was space for mine to switch to in-school, thankfully she said yes. My oldest freaks out when she can't hear instructions clearly, or can't figure out what to do next and I can just see myself having to sit next to her and teach along with the teacher, while at home on a lap-top, and the laptops haven't even been delivered yet, so she'd be home on our terribly old laptop that everyone hates. So the new plan is for her to go for a few weeks until the computers come in, and if she feels comfortable enough to work from home she can switch. I have a very strong feeling she will continue going to school.
My 2nd child is in 6th grade and I'm more familiar with his work load, but I'd rather put him in school for at least two weeks so he can get used to the curriculum and then he can come home.
My 3rd child is in 3rd grade and her class is too full for her to attend so I'm trying to make it seem really cool and awesome that she gets to stay home with me. My cousin is the teacher and I have a huge comfort level with her so I'm very confident this will work out fine.
My youngest is in Kindergarten this year and her teacher said if we can teach her to read she can stay home, I can't do that and work full time. She also is very determined to go back to school so she's going!
If my 2nd decides to stay home in two weeks, then I'll have two home and two in school. I'll be driving in to get them every day at 12:45pm but we live 10 minutes from the school so it's fine.
One school mom is bringing her two kids over on Thursday's to watch so she can maintain her full time job.
It's going to be an interesting year!
I plan to get up at 5am to work for 1.5 hours, then help get half the family off to school, get the remaining kids started on their school work, then back to work. It's a good thing I thrive with a busy schedule, also a very good thing that I don't have any trips for the foreseeable future.
I also plan to work on meals this weekend so there is less meal time prep on school days.
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