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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Six Word Saturday



Linda said...

There is nothing like being a mom. I remember the days when my three little girls were constantly at my side. I loved those times. Now at 62...I look forward to each and every visit with them....and with the 11 grandkids. Life is good!

Josie T. said...

A lovely comparison, and so very true... and when they are grown you will long for those days when they were small and followed close in your shadow!

The Laughing Housewife said...

I remember those days! Used to drive me nuts and now I miss them :(

Cyd said...

A true beauty.

Alyson said...

I love the idea that you are their 'light' - what a lovely analogy!
enjoy the moment - they'll be teenagers soon and you'll never see them!! ;)

4joy said...

delightful 6WS post!

Aetcheverry34 said...

I like your poem and can completely relate.

Patricia said...
